miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

फसल्ले अंडी Irons

El surfista profesional Andi Irons (excampeón mundial) acaba de fallecer por una complicación en una enfermedad. El deportista Hawaiano cogió una fiebre que no puedo superar. Las noticias no exclarecen exactamente si la fiebre fue a causa de una picadura de insecto aunque esos son los rumores.
Un triste noticia para el surf mundial, Andi además de uno de los líderes del surf mundial en los últimos años era uno de los deportistas más seguidos.

Esta noticia nos recuerda una vez más lo importante que es disfrutar cada momento, querer a los nuestros y vivir la vida prestando especial atención a lo que de verdad importa. En ocasiones el día a día, las tensiones, los pequeños problemas nos nublan la vista y nos hacen olvidarlo.

Andi, descansa en paz. El mundo del surf no te olvidará jamas.

Os dejo la noticia tal como aparece en la web oficial de la ASP.:
HUNTINGTON BEACH, California/USA (Tuesday, November 2, 2010) – Andy Irons (HAW), 32, three-time ASP World Champion, passed away today en-route from Puerto Rico back home to Kauai from complications due to illness.

Official Irons Family Statement:

The world of surfing mourns an incredibly sad loss today with the news that Hawaii’s Andy Irons has died. Andy was a beloved husband, and a true champion.

Irons, 32, withdrew from a professional surfing event in Puerto Rico last weekend due to illness, and passed away during a layover en-route to his home in Kauai, Hawaii. He had reportedly been battling with Dengue Fever, a viral disease.

At this time the family thanks his friends and fans for their support, and asks that the community respect its privacy. The family also asks to not be contacted so their focus can remain on one another during this time of profound loss.

Irons, who began his career with the elite ASP World Tour in 1998, went on to collect 20 elite tour victories, four Triple Crown of Surfing Titles, three consecutive ASP World Titles and change the sport forever with his unparalleled ability and comprehensive approach to surfing.

The thoughts and sympathies of the ASP family go out to the Irons family as the entire sporting world mourns this tragedy.

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